PowerPoint Quadrant Templates: Pg 2

Part of 600+ PowerPoint Concepts & Models Pack

Add insights to your business presentations with this wide range of management & consulting models as well as finance, risk, ideation and other business concepts.

PowerPoint Quadrants Creative

Find a range of fully editable creative quadrants. This section includes interesting variations with folded arrows, flower-style matrix and more.

All these templates are useful for making over your business presentation slides. They are  fully editable templates for PowerPoint.

Related Pages:

Quadrants Page 1

More Quadrants Page 2

Click on images below to view details and download templates

Curved arrows showing movement inward

PowerPoint Quadrant 31

Folded arrows showing movement outward

PowerPoint Quadrant 32

4 colorful panels connected in the center

PowerPoint Quadrant 33

Colorful 3X2 Matrix

PowerPoint Quadrant 34

4 factors model

PowerPoint Quadrant 35

4 quadrants animated

PowerPoint Quadrant 36

Matrix with circular movement

PowerPoint Quadrant  37

Simple 2 X 2 Matrix outline

PowerPoint Quadrant 38

Priority matrix

PowerPoint Quadrant 39

Quadrant related to process

PowerPoint Quadrant 40

4 sides with a central point

PowerPoint Quadrant 41

4 related scenarios

PowerPoint Quadrant 42

2 parts making up the whole

PowerPoint Quadrant 43

4 sides connected with rings

PowerPoint Quadrant 44

4 sides around a core

PowerPoint Quadrant 45

Patterned 4 sides model

PowerPoint Quadrant 46

4 connected sides flower style

PowerPoint Quadrant 47

Creative quadrant variation

PowerPoint Quadrant 48

Creative matrix with ribbons

PowerPoint Quadrant 49

Rounded rectangle quadrant

PowerPoint Quadrant 50

Creative quadrant variation

PowerPoint Quadrant 51

4 Points emerging

PowerPoint Quadrant 52

4 points around the center

PowerPoint Quadrant 53

4 connected points

PowerPoint Quadrant 54

Creative matrix with detailed text around a core

PowerPoint Quadrant 55

Creative matrix with overlapping segments

PowerPoint Quadrant 56

Related Pages:

Quadrants Page 1

More Quadrants Page 2

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