Apply Custom Texture on your Photos

We all know that PowerPoint 2010 and 2013 versions allow you to apply artistic effects to your photos. So, your can spice up your plain boring photos into textured pictures like this:

Custom Picture with Texture

You can use the effect to make your title slides interesting.

What if you want to add your own custom textures to your photos apart from the presets given by PowerPoint? What if you want to add these custom textures even though you use the 2007 version of PowerPoint?

In this article you will learn to add Custom textures on your photos in a step by step way.

Step 1: Insert the picture on your slide

Go to the ‘Insert’ tab on your PowerPoint ribbon and insert the picture you want to apply textured effect to.

Original Photo with EffectOriginal Photo with Effect

Step 2: Cover it with a rectangle and apply texture

Go to Auto shapes menu. Using the ‘Rectangle’ tool draw a large rectangle that covers the entire photo. Remove outline.

Base Rectangle

Right click on the rectangle and go to Format Shape -> Fill. 

Shape Fill Picture Option

Choose ‘Picture or texture fill’ option to choose a texture image from your file. Or choose a texture from one of the presets available in PowerPoint. We chose ‘Denim’ texture.

Denim Texture

Step 3: Increase the transparency of the texture

Go to ‘Transparency’ slider and increase the transparency of the texture fill to 40%.

Set TransparencySet Transparency

The photo at the background will show through with a nice texture on top. Now, your photo looks like it is printed on denim cloth as shown below:

Cloth Printing Effect for Picture

You can choose different textures to get different effects. For example, choosing ‘Paper Bag’ texture makes your photo look like it is crumpled up.

Crumpled Photo Effect

Choosing ‘Water droplets’ texture makes your photo look like you are seeing the picture through a glass window wet with rain drops.

Seen through a moist glass

The technique allows you to apply some amazing texture effects to take your images to a whole new level.

Another way to impress your audience:

Using nice looking banners on your website or on your eLearning platforms is one way to impress your audience. Another way to impress them is to use high quality graphics and diagrams for your business presentations.

However, it takes a lot of time and effort to create professional quality business graphics from scratch. That is why we came up with our PowerPoint Essential charts collection for busy business presenters like you. 

All the templates in our collection are fully editable. Just choose the template that matches your thought and replace the sample text with your own text. Your business slides get ready in no time. Why waste time creating your graphics and diagrams from scratch, when you have such a high quality solution readily available?

( Yes the following banner is created in PowerPoint too.)

PowerPoint Essential charts Banner

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